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1월 12일에 있었던 사건들

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작성자 시바시바견
댓글 0건 조회 351회 작성일 24-01-10 15:52


1. 475: Byzantine Emperor Zeno is forced to flee his capital at Constantinople. This event marked the inflation of power struggles within the Byzantine dynasty, deeply influencing Byzantine history.

2. 1528: Gustav I of Sweden is crowned king. He played a pivotal role in the Protestant Reformation in Sweden, establishing the Lutheran Church as the state church.

3. 1773: The first public museum in the U.S. is organized in Charleston, South Carolina. This marked an important cultural shift in American society.

4. 1848: Palermo uprising against the Bourbon kingdom of Two Sicilies; it was an early event of the "Year of Revolutions" that shook Europe.

5. 1866: The Royal Aeronautical Society is established in London, solidifying a place for the study and exploration of flight innovations.

6. 1872: The Yohannes IV is crowned Emperor of Ethiopia in Axum, Ethiopia. He led Ethiopia to win the Ethiopian-Egyptian War, thus preserving Ethiopian sovereignty.

7. 1895: The National Trust is founded in the UK, showing a national commitment to the preservation of history and nature.

8. 1908: The Grand Canyon National Monument is created by President Theodore Roosevelt, ushering a new era of natural conservation in USA.

9. 1915: The US House of Representatives rejects a proposal to give women the right to vote, a significant landmark in feminist movements in the USA.

10. 1932: Hattie Caraway of Arkansas is the first woman elected to the US Senate. This was a significant win for women's rights in US politics.

11. 1964: Rebels in Zanzibar begin a revolt known as the Zanzibar Revolution, leading to the overthrow of the Sultan and the establishment of the People's Republic of Zanzibar.

12. 1967: Dr. James Bedford becomes the first person to be cryonically preserved, with intent of future revival.

13. 1969: The New York Jets defeat the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III, validating the status of the American Football League.

14. 1971: Led Zeppelin's infamous "Stairway to Heaven" debuts live in Belfast, marking an important milestone in rock music history.

15. 1986: Space Shuttle Columbia launched for a mission, this being the last successful flight before the ill-fated STS-51-L mission that resulted in the Challenger disaster.

16. 1991: Persian Gulf War: An act of the US Congress authorizes the use of American military force to drive Iraq out of Kuwait.

17. 2004: RMS Queen Mary 2, the largest ocean liner ever built, makes its maiden voyage.

18. 2005: NASA's Deep Impact launches to rendezvous comet, providing crucial information about the nature of comets.

19. 2010: An earthquake devastates Haiti, resulting in a significant humanitarian crisis.

20. 2015: Attacks on Charlie Hebdo in Paris, triggering a nationwide rally for freedom of speech and laïcité, or secularism.

Each point on this list represents a vastly different facet of world history, uncovering the multifaceted nature of our globe's past, from scientific breakthroughs to monumental human rights milestones, natural disasters, and decisive military actions. The sheer breadth of these events only underscores the profound importance of studying history, of understanding the intertwining threads that have come together to weave the complex tapestry we call the present.
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